Statkraft Energi og Skagerak Krafts instruks om ansvarlig for arbeid

Øke sikkerheten ved arbeid i våre elektriske anlegg ved å gjøre innholdet i instruksene for «Ansvarlig for arbeid og utpeker av AFA» og «Arbeid under spenning» kjent for alle som skal inneha rollen som Ansvarlig for arbeid.
The most engaging eLearning available. Straight to your PC, phone or tablet.
Estimated duration
10 minutes
How long time the course normally takes to complete.
Spoken language in the course. Subtitles could be available in multiple languages.
Who has produced and is responsible for the content of the course.


Increase the safety of work in our electrical installations by making the content of the instructions for "safety supervisor and designator of safety supervisor" and "Live working" known to everyone who will hold the role of Safety Supervisor.

Target group

All employees who will hold the role of Safety Supervisor (AFA) in Skagerak Kraft or Statkraft Energi's facilities.

Subjects covered in the course

  • Your responsibility as Safety Supervisor (LV)
  • Procedure for planning work
  • Working methods
  • Establishment and implementation of security measures
  • Special rules when “Live working”
  • Completion of work (ending)

Technical information

System requirements

This course can be run on a computer, tablet and smart phone. For handheld devices we recommend a stable Wi-fi connection. Flash is not required for this course.

Recommended minimum connection speed is 1.5 Mbps. If you experience problems while running the course, we recommend using the Google Chrome browser.
Course manual

No, this course does not include a course manual.

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