Contact us if you are interested in purchasing this classroom course and we will do our best to help you!
Contact usEtter gjennomført kurs skal deltakerne ha fått kjennskap til endringene i NEK 700:2024.
Saksbehandlere, montører og annet teknisk personell som jobber med EKOM i bredbåndsnett eller aller type bygg.
Kurset dekker alle typer installasjoner fra bredbåndsnett, kabling i bygg og spesielle anvendelser på skip eller offshore og bruk av fiberoptiske kabler i Ex-soner.
No, this course does not include a course manual.
Have questions about this product?
Get in touchWe take pride in consistently offering up-to-date, professionally relevant courses and never shy away from thinking innovatively in all fields. You and your employees will always be met by knowledgeable instructors who have hands-on experience and have faced the challenges firsthand. Our goal is for everyone to get the most out of the courses they attend. That's why we ensure our instructors stay professionally updated through studies, training, and close collaboration with authorities and industry organizations. This is how we create an environment focused on learning and safety.
You can complete eLearning courses from a mobile or tablet on the Trainor App. The free app can be used without an internet connection, offering flexibility in where and when learning takes place.