Committed to the highest sustainability standards

We’re embedding key Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) commitments into our company strategy to create long term value for our customers and wider health and safety industry.

Sustainability is reflected in our core value

Sustainability is reflected in our core value


We dare to challenge ourselves, our business, and the wider industry in the drive for a better world.


We stay close to the industry, customers, and authorities, offering solid professional perspectives and digital solutions to challenges, always with sights set on a greener globe.


We seek new solutions, methods and knowledge, and test new ideas that can help improve learning and reduce footprints.

We care about people and environment

By becoming an industry leader in digital training, we help reduce the need for business travel in connection with courses and training. Through an ever-expanding portfolio of modern e-learning courses and webinars, we reduce our own footprints, as well as our customers'. When travel is required, our flights are climate-compensated, so that the imprints we make ourselves contribute to cutting environmental footprints elsewhere.

ESG data en
ESG data en

We care about people and environment

By becoming an industry leader in digital training, we help reduce the need for business travel in connection with courses and training. Through an ever-expanding portfolio of modern e-learning courses and webinars, we reduce our own footprints, as well as our customers'. When travel is required, our flights are climate-compensated, so that the imprints we make ourselves contribute to cutting environmental footprints elsewhere.

Employees have a safe and secure working environment in Trainor, and they also have a good time at social gatherings outside of work

A tightly knit team

Our people are testament to our success. For decades, we have attracted sharp minds, innovative souls and creative thinkers who stay with us. Our staff retention rate reflects out active work with the working environment, culture, and health. We believe that when you thrive and have fun at work, you perform better, and productivity is enhanced. A good balance between work and leisure keeps stress levels in check and makes people have more stamina, stay healthy and be happier at work. Trainor employees respect each other, care about one another, and treat team members like family.

Employees have a safe and secure working environment in Trainor, and they also have a good time at social gatherings outside of work

A tightly knit team

Our people are testament to our success. For decades, we have attracted sharp minds, innovative souls and creative thinkers who stay with us. Our staff retention rate reflects out active work with the working environment, culture, and health. We believe that when you thrive and have fun at work, you perform better, and productivity is enhanced. A good balance between work and leisure keeps stress levels in check and makes people have more stamina, stay healthy and be happier at work. Trainor employees respect each other, care about one another, and treat team members like family.

We get involved socially in the local community

In recent years, we have supported:

  • UNICEF World Gifts: Covid-19 vaccines
  • The Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation
  • The Church's City Mission Tønsberg
  • "Sykehustrikserne" at the local hospital
  • Revolve NTNU
  • Trio - local dance event for people with disability in Tønsberg
We get involved socially in the local community
We get involved socially in the local community

We get involved socially in the local community

In recent years, we have supported:

  • UNICEF World Gifts: Covid-19 vaccines
  • The Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation
  • The Church's City Mission Tønsberg
  • "Sykehustrikserne" at the local hospital
  • Revolve NTNU
  • Trio - local dance event for people with disability in Tønsberg
Engineers without borders

Proud to be Company members

Through our company membership, we support Engineers Without Borders Norway in their vision of “Technology and humanitarian engineering for a sustainable and just world”. We are proud to contribute for the UN Sustainability goals and encourage more companies to join!

Proud to be Company members

Through our company membership, we support Engineers Without Borders Norway in their vision of “Technology and humanitarian engineering for a sustainable and just world”. We are proud to contribute for the UN Sustainability goals and encourage more companies to join!

A helping hand to Ukraine

The difficult world situation can make us all feel powerless. Although no one can do everything, everyone can do something. We have donated NOK 500 per employee in Trainor Group to the Red Cross' humanitarian work in Ukraine, which resulted in almost NOK 50,000 for vital emergency relief work.

We encourage more businesses to contribute what they can. The easiest way is to do it here:

A helping hand to Ukraine

Photo: Elena Mozhvilo from Unsplash

A helping hand to Ukraine

The difficult world situation can make us all feel powerless. Although no one can do everything, everyone can do something. We have donated NOK 500 per employee in Trainor Group to the Red Cross' humanitarian work in Ukraine, which resulted in almost NOK 50,000 for vital emergency relief work.

We encourage more businesses to contribute what they can. The easiest way is to do it here:

T cut 3

Committing to sustainability is an exciting challenge. The term ‘sustainability’ encompasses a lot, and continuous focus is needed to achieve long-term goals. Every day we work to break it down into concrete measures and identify areas where we can make a difference. You can really feel the company-wide commitment among our employees and the willingness from our team to challenge each other every day to achieve bigger goals. I am immensely proud of how far we’ve come and I’m looking forward to seeing what the future holds.

Eva Nordskog
Eva Nordskog Head of Communications, HR and ESG

Our goals


  • Minimize greenhouse gas emissions by reducing business travel in connection with training, courses and meetings
  • Significantly reduce the risk of incidents with environmentally hazardous consequences
  • Reduce footprints through energy efficiency, recycling and incentives for greener transport choices


  • Minimize greenhouse gas emissions by reducing business travel in connection with training, courses and meetings
  • Significantly reduce the risk of incidents with environmentally hazardous consequences
  • Reduce footprints through energy efficiency, recycling and incentives for greener transport choices
Trainor Norway, Trainor Sweden, Team photo
Trainor Norway, Trainor Sweden, Team photo


  • Healthy balance between work and private life
  • High job satisfaction and happy employees
  • Support for local environmental measures and social purposes


  • Healthy balance between work and private life
  • High job satisfaction and happy employees
  • Support for local environmental measures and social purposes


  • Formally and through action promote inclusion and diversity in the workplace
  • Implement and communicate best practices AML, ABC and ethical guidelines
  • Promote policies for equality and equal opportunities for employees
Business ethics
Business ethics


  • Formally and through action promote inclusion and diversity in the workplace
  • Implement and communicate best practices AML, ABC and ethical guidelines
  • Promote policies for equality and equal opportunities for employees
Finance team
Finance team

Transparency Act

Trainor actively works to ensure fundamental human and labor rights both within our own operations and with our suppliers. The Norwegian Transparency Act aims to provide the public with transparency regarding how businesses address these important issues.

Transparency Act

Trainor actively works to ensure fundamental human and labor rights both within our own operations and with our suppliers. The Norwegian Transparency Act aims to provide the public with transparency regarding how businesses address these important issues.

UNs sustainability goals

Trainor acknowledges and commits to actively working towards the UNs sustainability goals. The eight sustainable development goals we contribute to the most are:

Good health and well-being
Quality education
Affordable and clean energy
Decent work and economic growth
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Responsible consumption and production
Climate action
Partnerships for the goals
Eva Nordskog

Eva Nordskog

Head of Communications, HR and ESG

+47 908 75 544