Below are the terms of purchase for
Classroom courses
All course bookings are binding. Cancellations must be made at least 10 working days prior to the course start date. Cancellation later than this will be charged at the following rates:
- Cancellation less than 10 days before the course start, but more than 5 days before the course start, will be charged at 20% of the course fee.
- Cancellation less than 5 days before the course start, or failure to show, will be charged 100% of the course fee.
In the event of cancellation due to sickness, cancellation conditions do not apply if a medical certificate is provided.
The name of the course participant may be changed up to the course start.
Trainor reserves the right to cancel open courses up to 14 days before the scheduled course start. If a course is cancelled, the purchaser is entitled to full reimbursement of the course fee, if this has been paid.
E-learning courses
All course orders are binding. Cancellations must be made within 14 days of a registered order. Cancellations made after this cut off will be charged the full course fee.
Refunds are not given on courses that have been started.
An e-learning course must be started within one year of the registered order. The course will be available for 8 weeks after starting, with the exception of the course in Hot Working, which is available for 3 weeks after it has been started.
Trainor Elsikkerhet AS is not liable for any incidents and damages, including consequential damages, which may arise as a result of misinterpretation of the content or errors in the content of the courses.
Cancellation Form - Trainor.pdf 70.16 kB
If the consumer has been provided with a correctly filled-in form providing information on their right to cancel, the information stated in the Cancellation Act §8 parts h, i and j of subsection 1 (cf. subsection 2), is to be regarded as having been provided.
Right to cancel
You have the right to cancel this agreement within 14 days without giving grounds for doing so. This right expires 14 days after the agreement was entered.
To use your right to cancel, you must inform us
Trainor Elsikkerhet AS, Postboks 554, 3101 Tønsberg, post@trainor.noclearly that you wish to withdraw from the agreement (e.g. in writing by letter, telefax or email).
You may use the enclosed Cancellation Form, but this is not a requirement.
The cancellation period is regarded as having been complied with if you send notice before the expiry of the period.
Effect of using the right to cancel
If you withdraw from the agreement, we will repay all payments we have received from you, including delivery costs (with the exception of any extra cost resulting from your choice of a delivery method other than the least expensive standard delivery method offered), without unnecessary delay and at the latest within 14 days of receiving your notification of your wish to withdraw from the agreement.
Repayment will be made by the same method as used for the original transaction, unless you clearly request a different method and this is agreed by us.
Regardless, you will not be charged any extra expenses incurred by the repayment process.
All materials in Trainor Elsikkerhet AS' products, including but not limited to images, texts, and videos in eLearning courses, course materials, and documentation, are the property of Trainor Elsikkerhet AS. Unauthorized use, copying, distribution, or modification of this material is strictly prohibited and will be pursued in accordance with the Copyright Act (Act relating to copyright in literary, scientific and artistic works, etc., LOV-2018-06-15-40).
According to the Copyright Act § 3, the author has the exclusive right to exploit the work by producing copies of it and by making it available to the public. Violation of these rights may result in civil and criminal penalties.